Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay
Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay Easy jet which is having Mission statement as to provide our customers the safe journey,good worth,point to point air service and to offer a reliable and consistent product and fares appealing to leisure and business markets on a range of european routes and to achieve this will increase our peoples and estabilish lifelong relation ship.this mission statement is clearly saying that wat they want and we will get in to this case study and find out how easyjet get into this position and where it is now and where it is going what it should do with the following analysis given below, Is market positioning enough to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in this industry? To analyse this activities we will use Porters Five Force analysis and SWOT and PEST analysis of this industry and we will check the value chain and competitive scope of this Easy Jet. The overall analysis will give the clear conclusion that its profitable factors and to be continued in same manner and to develop to get grow in the future. Strategy: It is defined as an alternative chosen to make happen a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. The term is derived from the Greek word (Stratigos) for general ship or leading an army. (www. businessdictionary.com) Macro environment: Major external and uncontrollable factors that influence an organizations decision making, and affect its performance and strategies. These factors include the economic, demographics, legal, political, and social conditions, technological changes, and natural forces. 2. Factors that influence a companys or products development that are outside of the companys control. For example, the macro environment could include competitors, changes in interest rates, changes in cultural tastes, or government regulations. (www.businessdictionary.com) PESTLE ANALYSIS: PEST analysis is the tool to measure the marketing environment, and its looking the external factors of the airline industry. First we analysis the present situation of easy jet. Politico legal factors: Politico legal factors is The political and legal environment consists of government agencies, laws and the pressure groups which influence. In some situation the law also create new opportunities for starts the new business. The two important trends in the political-legal environment are to increase the growth of special interest groups and the business legislation (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). The Easy Jet had the political problem in Switzerland due to the delay of flights to the various cities. The basic problem for these incidents is given below.The EasyJet flights are flies into Basel and Geneva airports but with a dismal on-time record, according to status of the flightstats.com. The online websites that tracks that the 20 most active routes for the carrier, but the Easy Jet planes from Geneva to London to be schedule about half of the time, It is the average delay of 74 minutes. Flights from London to Geneva are mismatch in its schedule by 31% of the time, and its the average delays of 38 minutes. The worst route for being on time between Palma Mallorca to Geneva, by these 82 per cent of the flights are late, according to flight stats. At no time did the company want to have such delays, said Jean-Marc Thà ©venaz, general director. We regret the situation. To help fix the problem, Thà ©venaz said that the company had decreased the number of flights during certain periods. We are trying to create some timeslots during the day when we fly less so as to be able to juggle our planes around to minimize delays, he said. He added that the company also has an extra plane on the ground in Britain that could be assigned to stay in Geneva. European Union is enlarging in the east. Its a right time the Easy Jet will increase the new market in the Eastern Europe. UK government going to increase the tax coming year .so it will affect the low cost and no frills approach. Economy factors: The available purchasing power in an economy depends on prices, current incomes, savings, credit availabilities and debts. Marketers must pay careful attention to trends affecting purchasing power, because they can have a strong impact on business (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.163). Easy Jet shares had fell up-to 7% on the last month for the fears over crewing issues. Carolyn McCall, who joined as chief executive from Guardian Media Group at the start of this month, said Easy Jet would seek to address the staffing problems, with a focus on flight delays at Gatwick airport. Douglas McNeill, said the crewing problems were worrying and we know theyve developed a problem, But we wont know the causes and the long-term costs of fixing it until November. From the volcanic ash problem the company had paid à £36m as compensation. The company had lost their estimated sales and its cost around à £29m. Easy jet said It was disappointed with the decision by the UK government not to compensate losses related to the ash cloud, which forced Easy Jet to cancel 7,314 flights. Easy Jet revenues for last three months are 5.3% to à £759m and the seats are flown up into 1.7 %. The Easy Jet peoples said It expected to make a pre-tax profit this year of between à £100m and à £150m at current exchange rates. Share Price of Easy Jet Figure: Chart of easy jet share price for last three months http://www.lse.co.uk/SharePrice.asp?shareprice From my analysis the company must be on-time performance and its needs to be better the numbers staff can be improved. Sometimes it may spoil the good name, goodwill, reputation and the image of easyGroup. Socio-Cultural factors: Society shapes the values, beliefs and norms that largely define consumer tastes and preferences. People absorb, almost unconsciously, a worldview that defines their relationship to themselves, to others, to organisations, to society, to nature, and to the universe (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). Easyjet had a problem in the social and cultural factors. The company has various approaches to selling the air tickets through online and telephonic rather than agencies. German and France peoples are dont have much interested to use online and telephonic ticket booking and also they dont like to use credit cards and debit cards in internet booking. So the company is having difficulty to achieve the target of sale. Most of the people expecting to fly in cheap and friendly fare when we giving advertisement in newspaper like family package and also giving low cast fare à £10 per person. Technological factors One of the most dramatic forces shaping peoples lives in technology. Every new technology is a force for creative destruction. The number of major new technologies we discover affects the economys growth rate (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.169 ). Easy Jet had design the new devise to fix in the tail. Around 100km the device can detect the ash clouds. The cost of à £1m is spent by the company to develop and test the technology. Airbus is the leading manufacturer of aircrafts. The company hopes to fix the devise to all their aircrafts. It can be implemented by next year. The AVOID Airborne Volcanic Object Identifier and Detector technology is designed to work like the weather detection systems already in use for spotting thunderstorms. A lightweight infrared device would provide images to both the pilots and an airlines flight control centre, enabling pilots to see an ash cloud at altitudes between 5,000 feet and 50,000 feet. In the volcanic ash problem all the airline industries are lost more than one billion US dollars and the relevant business to the airline companies are lost twice the amount like tourist hotels, cabs, and airport authorities. In the volcanic eruption the flights are damaged massively. We have understood the basic problem of the aircrafts during the time of ash clouds. The companies are monitoring the problem of ash clouds through the satellites. But its not enough to prevent the aircraft at the time of eruption. So the aircraft companies are ready to spend millions and millions of amount to solving this problem. According to the statement of ESA (European Space Agency) from the period 1982 to 2000 the volcanic ash clouds can damage more than 100 aircrafts by average of 65 volcanic eruptions by each and every year. Around 250 m US dollar can be estimated as a loss for the airlines industries from last 25 years. The basic problem of the volcanic ash is that can be containing so many raw particles (eg glass, rocks and other relatively large objects) can damage the propeller of the jet. It can be easily affect the engine to stop immediately. Then it can damaged the sensitive parts of the aircrafts (eg clog its sensors, limit the view of its pilots, and severely scratch, or sandblast, cockpit windows, landing light covers and parts of the tail and wings). These damages are found by ESA through the satellites. Technologically Easy Jet is in the right place to develop the new trends but it can lacking to implement the technology in the aircraft maintenances. External environment: Conditions, entities, events and factors surrounding an organization which influence its activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks. Also called operating environment.(www.businessdictionary.com) Easy Jet Airline Company Limited: Strengths: Easy Jet is a leading provider of low budget, no frills air travel servicing many of the leading city destinations in the UK and across Europe, including Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Prague. They offer a high quality service at competitive prices and offer a number of features including ticketless travel, internet booking and assisted travel services.They have a highly distinctive livery on their fleet of aircraft making them easily recognisable and distinguishing them from their competitors. They have a user friendly website which fully discloses the price breakdown of the passengers planned travel. Offering a full breakdown of the price plan prevents any hidden charges when the customer confirms there booking. Easy Jet offers an online promotion alert which is e-mailed to existing customers and contact on the companys database. It is recognised as a leading brand name in the UK travel industry. As a market leader in an industry widely seen as a leading contributor to the green house effect and global warming, Easy Jet actively embrace there environmental responsibilities and continue to keep these factors as a keep priority when developing their future strategies. Easy Jet operate a fast and efficient service with an average turnaround time of 30 minutes or below. This enables them to maintain a reliable and hassle free service to their passengers. Weaknesses: Domestic air travel is an extremely competitive industry with EasyJets main competitors being Jet2, BMI Baby, Ryan Air plus a host of smaller independent competitors. These external competitive forces can restrict and shape pricing policy on some of EasyJets less profitable routes as they seek to compete with their competitors. They do not offer a free food service on longer flights of 2 hours plus. Opportunities: It might possible for an opening of alternative routes to major cities in Europe. A key route could be from Dublin to the UK, as this has a large potential for travellers going to soccer matches in the UK plus new links into corporate flyers to and from the UK. Offering of free refreshments on flights with a travel time of over two and a half hours. This would offer an extra perk and comfort to passengers making their experience with EasyJet all the more comfortable and enjoyable. Updated versions of the fly on the wall documentaries would provide the brand with more coverage and publicity. Threats: Competitors flying the same routes compete very competitively on price forcing pressure on margin on more popular flights and time slots. External market forces can have a significant impact on Easy Jets business, e.g. the rising cost of oil can have a significant impact on running costs putting significant pressure on the profitability of less popular routes and time slots. Pressure from unions and employee relations committees can significantly impact on the day to day operations with strikes proving to be very costly to the companys image. Economic downturn may lead to a decrease in casual flyers and corporate travel as companies seek to curtail what they see as unnecessary expenditure and in turn make less business trips. Competitive advantage: Marketing mix is the most important factors in the marketing management. Every company is using the marketing mix to attract the customers and develop the company. Marketing success of a company is depends on how much marketing mix using Fairley to cover the customers. After several studies and research the classic 4ps of marketing mix has changed into 7Ps (by Booms Bitner). However the 4ps is still the most common model of the marketing mix. By the competitive advantage we analysis the Marketing mix. It contains 4Ps that Production, Price, Promotion and Place/Distribution. Easy Jet has been named the worlds best low cost airline in the annual World Airline Awards. Skytrax made a survey for 15million passengers by the period of 11 months. It is the world largest survey among the passengers. Its shown the star ranking of the airlines and quality of the airlines. Commenting on Easy Jets achievement, Skytrax CEO, Edward Plaisted, said: Low-cost does not need to, nor should it equate to, low-quality service. Easy Jet is clear testament that low-cost operations can be delivered with a good standard of customer care and passenger service quality with their level of customer loyalty clearly demonstrating a winning formula. No-Frills, point to point air services We can hire the car from the website of Easy Jet and we can access the hotels and apartments from their websites. Place / distribution: Place /distribution refers to how the product gets to the buyer; for instance, point-of-sale assignment or retailing. This third P has furthermore at times been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold. The easy jet websites has targeted the customers those are not willing to get the tickets through agencies or third parties. The company policies are not allowed the intermediates to raise the actual price up to 20 percent to 30 percent as a commission. So the passengers do not know the actual price of the ait ticket. The company is targeted the passengers are saving the money as well as the time. The Easy Jet websites provides the customers very easy to access. Easy booking accommodation Flight schedule Cab booking And other transportation Likewise the company has provides the customers are easily book their tickets through telephone. There are unique packages for the business peoples which is having the special selection on their websites. The option is B2B-Business to Business transaction which can be indicates in the EasyJet website. Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and individual selling. Branding refers to the assorted strategies of promoting the product, brand, or company. Media advertising- Pulsed, pioneering, competitive or product oriented. Comparative ads disrupt consumers beliefs re competitors. Creative campaigns create controversy, shift perceptions change rules of the game. Personal selling- Although needed, is seen as less important for destabilizing in turbulent market. Public relations- Less important, but small PR activities can nudge system towards destabilization. Sales promotions- If used with price, can be effective/destabilizing. Minor, but unusual promotions/ changes lead to major impacts. More effective than adverts inturbulent markets. Word of mouth -Very important influence-the-influencer promos. Spread info re new, amazing aspects of product. Use multiplier channels like Internet, discussion groups. Aggressive use of promotions-Aggressive use enables trends to be nudged advantage to be taken of turbulence. Speed of change- To be unusual surprising, campaigns must be short-term, changed frequently. Importance -Important to manage via nudge effect, but less effective for major changes. It is a decision of how best to communicate the product to target audience and how to persuade them to buy it (Lovelock, Patterson and Walker, 1996). No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication program. This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, and encouraging them to take action at specific times (Lovelock and Wright, 2002). Easy Jet achieved the target of 500 routes in 15 years. The company crossed 300 million passengers are live in the airports in an hour. The growth ratio of the company is increased by 10 percent while compare to the previous year. The Easy Jet is the leading low-price airlines in the European airlines industries. The advertisement strap line is Size Matters!And Its slogan is The Webs favourite airline. Their approach is called No-nonsense approach like humorous. (http://business.easyjet.com/downloads/easyJet-Price-Comparison-Results.pdf) Conclusion: Easy Jet need to consider regarding responding to new entrants by the segments or considering competition based on price, services, and routes that gives an advantage to keep new entries outside the market. By considering the current market trends a perfect strategy to be planned based on the marketing mix. à To discriminate the brand sustain on development lines, the company can implement a CRM (cause related marketing) offers, manage its accessibility of being a caring airlines. And by providing travelers a sense of psychological comfort and well-being while they selecting to fly by Easy Jet. On overall, Easy Jet needs to develop the accurate and realistic to serve the passengers.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Maturity and Self-Identity in Munroââ¬â¢s Boys and Girls by Alice Munro Ess
Maturity and Self-Identity in Munroââ¬â¢s Boys and Girlsà à à à à In Alice Munroââ¬â¢s story "Boys and Girls" the main character/narrator disobeys her father without her father knowing. She does this because she is starting to become her own person. Her maturity and capability to make her own decisions are pointed out distinctively as the story develops. Therefore she continued to do little things against the beliefs of her family, because as she said, "I kept myself free" (1008). You can tell that she was an outcast from the rest of her family, due to the fact that she did not act like a girl as her grandmother continued to try and point out to her. Her grandmother kept nagging her continually saying, "Girls donââ¬â¢t slam doors like that. Girls keep their knees together when they sit down" (1008). Day by day she kept on getting hassled. It seemed to me as if she was constantly getting picked on by the rest of her family. There is a keyword in this story, and the word is "girl." That word is brought up all the time in front of her, as though her family thought she did not act enoug...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Advent Of Implants Rendered Endodontics Health And Social Care Essay
The justification for pull outing a tooth which has been endodontically treated and puting an implant in its position is a sensitive and combative one. In 2005 Ruskin et al1 published a professional sentiment article in which a strong instance is made for the extraction of dentitions and immediate arrangement of an implant over endodontic intervention. The writers province that the literature provides a clear advantage for implants in footings of success rates, predictability, and cost when compared with endodontic therapy. This point of view represents one extreme of what is going a turning argument sing whether or non to pull out a tooth which may be otherwise retained through endodontic intervention in favor of an endosseous implant. With the osseointegrated alveolar consonant implant construct developed by Brnemark going a widely accepted intervention mode for the replacing of losing dentition, the pick to retain a morbid tooth through endodontic intervention or pull out it and p ut an endosseous implant-borne prosthetic device is going a modern treatment-planning quandary. There is no uncertainty that the modern implant is a brilliant intervention pick when dentitions have been lost due to periodontic disease, cavities, or traumatic hurt. However, does the grounds support the bold claims of Ruskin and others? This reappraisal aims to reply this inquiry by analyzing the grounds available in the literature, comparing both intervention options under a figure of standards, and offering an sentiment as to whether the coming of implants truly has rendered endodontias disused. When researching the literature to compare between success rates of endodontic and implant intervention, a common job is cited in many articles12-15 relating to the markedly different standards used to mensurate success. Torabinejad et al16 found that result steps used in the endodontic literature were more rigorous than those in implant surveies. Endodontic success seems to be assessed utilizing the standards set out by Strindberg in 195617 ( or alterations of these criteria18 ) , which require the absence of periapical radiolucencies with a normal, integral periodontic ligament and integral lamina dura environing the vertex. Clinical map and histopathological rating of biopsied tissue samples have besides been used19. However, the success of implants has been mostly judged on survivability. Implant endurance has been described by Albrektsson20 as implants that are still in map but unseasoned against the positive result standards outlined by Watson et al21, i.e. an implant which is functional, symptom free and with no obvious clinical pathology. Therefore, the definition of endurance as found in the implant literature does non take into history the fact that there may be associated bone loss, redness or periodontic defects associated with these implants. For illustration, in a survey conducted by Brocard et al22, implants with marks of peri-implantitis and maintained by antibiotic intervention were non considered failures. Therefore, it has been suggested that success rates for endodontic therapy and implants may be unnaturally low and high, severally, because of the narrow definition of success used in endodontic clinical research and the slightly broad standards for success in the implant literature. In add-on to this job, Morris et al12 found that success rates of endodontic intervention surveies may be negatively biased because of the varying degrees of clinical experience of those executing the interventions, with the bulk of processs being performed by general practicians and pupils in the endodontic literature15, 23. In contrast to this, most implants were placed by specialists24. Some surveies have striven to battle these disagreements. Hannahan and Eleazer25 gauged both intervention types by specifying success as the radiographic grounds that the implant or treated tooth was still present in the oral cavity and that there were no marks or symptoms necessitating intercession during the follow up period. They found that there was no important difference between the success of either implant or endodontic intervention ( 98.4 % and 99.3 % severally ) but that there was a important difference in the demand for intercession after intervention, with 12.4 % of implants but merely 1.4 % of endodontically treated teeth necessitating intercessions. These findings were supported in a retrospective chart review14, which found that both interventions had similar failure rates but that implants had a higher frequence of postoperative complications which required intercession ( 17.9 % ) . Deporter et al26 besides found similar failure rates between the two but once more rep orted that implants had a higher incidence of postoperative complications necessitating intervention. Additionally, two separate systematic reappraisals in 200713, 27 concluded that the two interventions produce similar results. Physiological Factors, Function and Aestheticss Schulte28 found that the proprioceptive mechanisms of the natural tooth can non be replaced by ankylotic maintained implants. Trulsson29 showed that periodontic receptors expeditiously encode tonss when dentitions ab initio touch and manoeuvre nutrient, and merely a little sum of receptors encode the quick and powerful addition in force associated with seize with teething through nutrient. Consequently, patients who lack signals from periodontic afferent fibers such as those with implants ââ¬â show an impaired all right motor control of the mandible. Therefore, tooth loss and replacing with an implant may hold inauspicious physiological and functional effects. Aestheticss has been reported as the most frequent job with implants in the anterior region30. Torabinejad and Goodacre31 found that a natural tooth can frequently accomplish better aesthetic consequences than an implant, but that in instances where the intervention program involves coronating the natural tooth, an implant Crown may be a better pick. This is because the implant can be crafted with a thicker sum of porcelain that enhances the colour-matching potency, particularly in the cervical part. Troubles have besides been reported in accomplishing aesthetic consequences when two next anterior dentitions are replaced with implants. It has been shown that merely 3-4 millimeter of soft tissue will organize coronal to cram lying between two implants, which may take to the loss of the interdental papilla and the formation of an inaesthetic black trigon between the two restorations32. Therefore, retaining a natural tooth maintains the proximal crestal bone and interdental papilla, helping overall aesthetics and visual aspect. Cost Benefit A cost benefit analysis comparing between single-tooth implants and endodontic intervention by Moiseiwitsch and Caplan33 concluded that ââ¬â excepting any subsidiary processs such as bone transplants, sinus lifts or crown prolongation processs ââ¬â endodontias and a Crown is less expensive, requires less visits and is completed quicker than an implant. Pennington et al34 found that root canal intervention is extremely cost-efficient and that orthograde re-treatment when confronted with initial failure is besides cost effectual, although surgical re-treatment was found non to be. This allowed them to reason that implants may hold a function as a 3rd line of intercession if re-treatment fails. Christensen35 found that an implant-supported Crown costs about dual that of a root-treated tooth restored with a Crown. This grounds suggests that, at least from a fiscal point of view, endodontic intervention may be a preferred pick compared with implants. Decisions It is clear from the grounds that both intervention modes are, within their ain indicants, extremely successful and permanent Restorations. However, the bold suggestion of this reviews rubric is erroneous. It has been shown that it is hard if non impossible to compare endodontic intervention and implants in footings of result because of the huge differences in the definition of success between the two in the literature. This contradicts Ruskins claim that implants keep a clear advantage and that they are more predictable in result than an endodontically treated tooth. Rigorous standards utilized in root canal predictive surveies may take to the recording of lower rates of success, while the usage of less terrible success standards in implant surveies may bring forth higher success rates. Iqbal and Kim13 concluded that the determination to endodontically handle a tooth or infusion and replace it with an implant Restoration should be governed by factors other than outcome because of th e troubles in comparing the two, and recommended that all attempts should be made to continue the natural tooth before sing extraction and replacing. To let us to do a more accurate comparing between the two intervention modes, standardized methods of finding success must be used in the implant literature. There is no deficiency of recommendations for such standards. Albrektsson et al36 set forward their standards for implant success in 1986 that included absence of mobility, absence of peri-implant radiolucency, absence of marks and symptoms, loss of fringy bone of less than 1.5 millimeter during the first twelvemonth after interpolation of the prosthetic device and less than 0.2 mm one-year bone loss thenceforth, and a minimal 10-year keeping rate of 80 % . Others have besides proposed add-ons to this set of criteria37, 38. What can be stated for certain is that endodontic intervention shows great value in its long-run permanency and success. One of the chief aims in dental medicine is the saving of the natural teething, often and successfully achieved utilizing endodontic intervention. A 2007 meta-analysis39 showed that natural dentitions surrounded by normal healthy periodontal tissues demonstrate a really high length of service of up to 99.5 % over 50 old ages, and even dentitions which are undermined periodontally can hold survival rates of between 92-93 % one time treated and maintained on a regular basis. This survey concluded that implants do non excel the permanency of a natural tooth even if it is compromised but treated efficaciously. Therefore an implant should non be an alternate for dentitions that can be restored and maintained. Indeed, the keeping of dentition is of import to most patients. As tooth doctors, one of our primary ends is the saving of the natural teething. We must ne'er shun our responsibility to salvage dentitions whenever possible, despite the frequent and sometimes aggressive protagonism of implant arrangement over root canal intervention. A conference every bit early as 1979 seeking a consensus on dental implants warned that selling was forcing what was a budding engineering into uncontrolled and extended use40. It has besides been shown that implant surveies have a high hazard of bias41. Today there is a turning tendency among some purveyors of implants to advance this engineering as a superior intervention option to endodontias, a tendency which may bias the general tooth doctors objectiveness and forbid them from appropriately measuring and reding their patients. A instance is frequently made that dentitions with failed endodontic intervention, which are campaigners for retreatment to t o the full eliminate periradicular disease, have a high hazard of failure. However, there is plentiful grounds in the literature that punctilious controlled disinfection can take to about 100 % healing and function42, 43. It is this reviews recommendation that the determination to pull out a tooth with the purpose of puting an implant-borne Restoration should be dictated by the clinicians scrutiny of the single patient and based on both the grounds above and clinical opinion. In instances of ongoing endodontic disease, endodontic orthograde or retrograde intervention must ever be the first pick.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Neglected Diseases Neglected Tropical Diseases - 1215 Words
ââ¬Å"More than one billion people, one-sixth of the worldââ¬â¢s population, suffer from one or more Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)â⬠(ââ¬Å"Neglected Tropical Diseasesâ⬠). NTDs or Neglected Tropical Diseases affect all low-income countries, due to the fact that they are unable to afford the treatment it takes to deal with the diseases. It is often neglected due to the fact that larger, more globally impactful diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are being widely recognized. Although these diseases are significant to all countries of the world, NTDs still have devastating effects on millions of people every day. The fact that there are neglected diseases less funded and recognized than certain global diseases is a human rights violation. Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) affect the world s poorest people, NTDs impair physical and cognitive development, contribute to mother and child illness and death, make it difficult to farm or earn a living, and li mit productivity in the workplace (Neglected Tropical Diseases, CDC). Neglected diseases can be devastating due to the fact that it causes disablements, which leads to the inability to work, become pregnant, efficiency, and the children that are impacted by NDs can be stunted in their growth. Since most of these occurrences happen in underdeveloped countries where treatment is unavailable, the diseases keep the poverty cycle going. Out of all 2.7 billion people, about half have at least one of these diseases becauseShow MoreRelatedEnd Neglected Tropical Diseases Act2583 Words à |à 11 Pages Legislative Process Review: End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act (2015) Steven E Stefanowicz, Jr., BSN, RN Drexel UniversityAbstract This paper explores the federal legislative process, specifically in regards to House of Representativesââ¬â¢ Bill 1797 (H.R. 1797), formally known as the End Neglected Tropical Diseases Act. Information in regards to the legislative bill and process, including current and relevant legislative actions, proposed intent, and relevance to the fields of health careRead MorePharmaceutical Companies Are Entering Into Public Private Partnerships1347 Words à |à 6 Pagespharmaceutical companies apparently commit fraud, cover up their mistakes, and increase prices of their products for maximum profits. 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