Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Inspiring Birthday Messages and Quotes
Inspiring Birthday Messages and Quotes The birthday messages you write reflect your attitude towards life. Do you like to look at life as a big picture? Or do you enjoy each individual moment? Here are some wonderful birthday messages. Share them with your special friends and loved ones. Touch hearts and help people know you better. Sammy HagarEvery year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. Steven WrightFor my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. George HarrisonAll the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. Paris HiltonThe way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday. Ralph ParletteReal birthdays are not annual affairs. Real birthdays are the days when we have a new birth. Reverend Larry LorenzoniBirthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. T S EliotThe years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. Helen HayesEvery human being on this earth is born with a tragedy, and it isnt original sin. Hes born with the tragedy that he has to grow up. A lot of people dont have the courage to do it. Christine RossettiMy heart is like a singing birdBecause the birt hday of my lifeIs come, my love is come to me. David EverettYoud scarce expect one of my ageTo speak in public on the stage,And if I chance to fall belowDemosthenes or Cicero,Dont view me with a critics eye,But pass my imperfections by.Large streams from little fountains flow,Tall oaks from little acorns grow. Virginia WoolfOne of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowYouth comes but once in a lifetime. Friedrich Von SchillerKeep true to the dream of thy youth. Albert SchweitezerIt is through the idealism of youth that man catches sight of truth, and in that idealism he possesses a wealth, which he must never exchange for anything else.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Analysis of Enriques Journey Book
Analysis of Enriques Journey Book Enriques Journey experience brings into view the kind of problems one undergoes in the process of attaining their goals in life (Border Film Project 6). This shows that age is not a factor in achieving ones dreams and therefore determination wins it all. Life can be filled with several obstacles such as being an immigrant but the need to overcome such problems and excel defines the life and experience of Enrique who has to travel as an immigrant to meet his mother, have a relationship with Maria Isabela (Nazario 230).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of ââ¬Å"Enriqueââ¬â¢s Journeyâ⬠Book specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More After, Enriques mother Lourdes leaves for the US to look for money so that she can support her child gain education shows the ââ¬Å"hardshipsâ⬠that mothers go through to raise their children (Border Film Project 10). Overcoming obstacles in life is the most traumatic aspects of the story of Enriques Journey. Enriques mother chooses to do low paying jobs that are often ignored by the citizens of America to make a living that would enable her child get an education. Through these low paying jobs, they improve the countrys economy since the kind of jobs the immigrants do cannot be accepted by the Americans. I chose this aspect because Enrique had to overcome several challenges and problems on his way to America so that he can reunite with his mother, the life in America itself is not that promising as many would have thought. Therefore the life of an immigrant remains to be seen as one full of struggles. He had to be beaten and faced many robberies on the way. However, he is thriving to succeed in his journey to reach her mother is the motivational factor in his success to reach the US. Being determined presents some of the themes in this text and, moreover a reflection of the obstacles Enrique undergoes before reuniting with her mother. Nazario states that, ââ¬Å"she had to work long hours to earn the moneyâ⬠(235). The writer here refers to the time Lourdes would work that demonstrates the hard work of an immigrant and their determination. In addition, the importance of having hope is the key factor in Enriques continued desire to reach the US. Clearly, the contribution of the immigrants such as the likes of Enrique and his mother is great for the economy of the country.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Many immigrants have to survive in all means whatever it takes for them to do so. The method of survival reflects their determination to succeed in life through doing the small jobs and in the end improve the economy of the country. Lack of finance by Lourdes is a show that she cannot be able to take care of her children and clearly that they are living in poverty. Nazario states that ââ¬Å"Lourdes cannot affor d to feed and educate her children, so she leaves for El Norteâ⬠(139), this show that the immigrants can be able to do any jobs, work extra hard which is beneficial to a country in terms of economy improvement. ââ¬Å"Enriques Journeyâ⬠story make people change how they look at the immigrants and need to offer a helping hand because they too are important to the country (Border Film Story). They can help to offload the ââ¬Å"burdenâ⬠of hard labour which most of the citizens do not want. The determination of Lourdes to make her life better shows the immigrants have a lot of problems and can risk their lives to make ends meet (Nazario 200). The discussion question: Do the immigrants help to improve a countrys economy? Border Film Project. Border Film Project. 2011. Web. Nazario, Sonia. Enriqueââ¬â¢s Journey, New York: Random House, 2007. Print
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Article Analysis - Essay Example ird hypothesis for this study was that: Attentional factors, rather than peripheral factors are the major contributing factors to accidents arising from drivers using the cell phone while driving (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). The first experiment testing the effect of hands-free cellular phone communication on the interruption of driving applied a sample of 48 participants, all of them students. The sample comprised a balanced gender of 24 male students and 24 female students (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). In the additional control condition study, which sought to assess the effect of listening to a selected passage from a book on tape to creating a dual-task condition, the experiment applied a sample of 20 participants, who were also gender balanced, with 10 male students and 10 female students participating. The second experiment, which entailed the assessment of the specific localized source of interference in driving while using cell phone, was undertaken using a sample of 24 students, who were gender balanced, with 12 male students and 12 female students in participation (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). The threats to validity identifiable in this study include the fact that; the controlled condition experiment for assessing the dual-task interference tried to mimic the real world situation through applying broadcasts involving a mixture of music and speech (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). Nevertheless, such mimicking cannot derive similar results like in a real world situation, considering that in the controlled condition, the elements of interference are just the music and speech broadcasts, while in the real world situation, the elements of interference are much more, sight included. Therefore, the controlled condition may not derive completely valid results. The other aspect that puts the validity of the experiments into question is that; the study involved the application of simulated driving (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). This is not similar to a natural driving setting, thus
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Constitution Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Constitution - Term Paper Example It was an economic and social institution.On this note, a variety of civil rights movement arose to advocate for the abolishment of slavery, and recognition of the black people as Citizens of United States of America2. This would allow them to enjoy greater freedom and equality that emanated from democracy. Various amendments were made to the American constitution were made to abolish slavery, and advocate for the right of every American citizen to vote. In 1865, the thirteenth amendment recognized the concept of natural freedom, and abolished slavery.The fourteenth amendment spelt out the qualifications of a citizen, and spelt out their rights and liberties. The Fifteenth amendment was ratified in 1870, and it gave all American the right to vote, irrespective of race, religion or color.On this note, the American system of democracy is termed as the constitutional democracy. Constitutionaldemocracy is always subject to the rule of law. The elected representatives of the people must e xercise power3, basing on the requirements of the law, which on most occasions, advocates and protects the rights of people, and their freedom. On this note, the Judiciary, and in particular the United States Supreme Court plays an important role in ensuring that the democratic process of United States of America adheres to the law. In the case Baker vs. Carr, the court made an important ruling regarding the one man one vote system. This paper examines the importance of this ruling in promoting the principles of democracy and constitutional rule in United States of America. This paper observes that, the ruling was very important in promoting democracy and regulating the behavior of the American political system. This paper analyzes the case, identifies important elements in the case, which relate to promoting democracy in the State. This paper also looks at the various cases that the judiciary used to the case to solve. Baker vs. Carr, is a 1962 decision by the Supreme Courtthat dec ided the eligibility of the Federal and State legislature in creating new voting zones4. The defendant, in the case argued that, the concepts of redistricting, is a political issue, and therefore the judiciary does not have the authority to intervene. The Judiciary only intervenes on legal issues, and not political issues. According to the case, the Tennessee State Constitution advocate for the re-drawing of legislative districts after every ten years. The purpose of this was to equally distribute the citizens of a district. The plaintiff, Mr Baker argued that re-districting the districts amounted to a breach of his constitutional right of equal protection, as advocated by the Fourteenth amendment. However, the State of Tennessee made a defense arguing that re-districting is a political process, and the judiciary does not have an authority to preside over a political process5.However, the United Supreme Court ruled that the decision by Tennessee to allow re-districting after every t en years was unconstitutional, and it breached the right of equality as advocated for under the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause. On this note, the state had to re-district based on the number of voters, as opposed to the size of the territory. This case,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
David Jones Essay Example for Free
David Jones Essay David Jones has a skilled, experienced and expertise Board of directors which is accountable for caring the rights, interests and the management of David Jones. Chief Executive Officer and Managing director are responsible for setting strategy, planning and administration for the company on daily basis. Paul Zahra has been ââ¬Å"Chief Executive Officer and Managing directorâ⬠for David Jones since 18 June 2010. Mr Zahra has more than 30 yearsââ¬â¢ experience in the Australian retail industry. He has held senior management roles across the retail sector in the areas of buying, stores, visual merchandising, supply chain, store refurbishments, customer service and operations. Directors are from a mix of different backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of retailing, financial services, property management and development, marketing, human resources, information technology, finance and law. Board of Directors Committee Memberships Name Role Audit Remuneration and Nominations Peter Mason AM Chairman and Non-Executive Director Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Jane Harvey Non-Executive Directorà John Harvey Non-Executive Director Chairman Philippa Stone Non-Executive Director Steven Vamos Non-Executive Director Chairman Leigh Clapham Non-Executive Director Executive Management Name Role Paul Zahra Chief Executive Officer Paula Bauchinger Group Executive ââ¬â Human Resources Cate Daniels Group Executive ââ¬â Operations Matthew Durbin Executive ââ¬â Strategic Planning Antony Karp Group Executive ââ¬â Retail Services Sacha Laing Group Executive ââ¬â Marketing and Financial Services Donna Player Group Executive ââ¬â Merchandise David Robinson Executive ââ¬â Multi Channel Strategy and Integration Brad Soller Chief Financial Officer 2. Employees According to David Jones , to achieve the highest profits and improve customer satisfaction, the company need to create an effective working environment for their employees following these goals: Every employee is valued; Recognition and reward for their contribution and performance; provide opportunities for employees to achieve their full potential; Obligation to safety, health and welfare, environmental responsibilities; and Support for philanthropic causes that are important to both David Jonesââ¬â¢ customers and employees. Therefore, David Jonesââ¬â¢ commitment is to realising its vision of being the ââ¬Ëbest place for our people to workââ¬â¢. In FY2012, David Jones invested in a range of advantages to ensure employees feel valued and supported: David Jones Charity Leave Policy: Supporting the philanthropic causes that are important to its customers and team members. Employee Referral Program: To reward any team member whose referral results in the successful placement of an external candidate in a nominated vacancy. Employee Self Service: To help team members achieve their full potential, reduces administration and to meet David Jonesââ¬â¢ objective of transitioning to an environmentally sustainable business model. Innovation Workshop: Encourage continued innovative thinking, 150 team members from across the business participated in an innovation workshop at the Companyââ¬â¢s annual conference in August 2012. To invest in the future and build the management and leadership capability of line managers, David Jones has established training and development programs. David Jones Executive Leadership Program: is designed to address the development needs of the David Jonesââ¬â¢ Executive Committee and Executive Leadership Team, and comprises five leadership modules including a 360-degree leadership survey. David Jones Future Leaders Program: is designed in-house to develop high potential people managers that have been identified as part of the Companyââ¬â¢s annual succession planning process. Operations Online Compliance: is designed to ensures that frontline employees remain current in processes and policies that are important to their role, including workplace safety, food safety, customer service and the David Jones Code of Ethics and Conduct. Recognition and Reward: New Executive Incentive Framework New Enterprise Agreements New Frontline Incentive Program Excellence Awards Program David Jones does not tolerate harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace. Employees of David Jones can expect to be treated in a fair and professional manner. Unacceptable behaviours under the David Jones terms of employment: Harassment- Discrimination and Bullying. 3. Organisational Culture Diversity Management and the entire David Jones workforce are embraced of and attract diverse, talented and motivated people. David Jonesââ¬â¢ diversity supports commitment to a culture that equally embraces: gender, age, culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and family responsibilities of our people. David Jones encourages and supports all of our employees to reach their full potential and irrespective of gender. David Jonesââ¬â¢ corporate sponsorship of the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the operation of Rose Clinics, while a philanthropic initiative, also serves to demonstrate our commitment to raising health awareness among employees and customers alike. This is representative of our broader commitment to the promotion of women and issues that affect women Equity David Jones has a Share Trading Policy that complies with the requirements of ASX Listing Rule 12. This was lodged with the ASX in 2010 and is available in the Corporate Governance section of its website. Consistent with the legal prohibitions on insider trading, under the policy, all directors, officers, members of senior management, other employees and consultants are prohibited from dealing in David Jones securities while in possession of unpublished price sensitive information about David Jones. HSBC CUSTODY NOMINEES (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED is the biggest shareholders with 69,772,020 shares (13. 20%). The 20 largest ordinary shareholders hold 45.à 17% of the ordinary shares of the Company. External environment I. General Environment 1. Political and Legal Carbon Pricing Scheme David Jones has a proven track record in reducing its carbon emissions and supports the government of the day in its attempts to move the economy towards a low-carbon future. David Jones conducted its own analysis in 2011 to determine the direct impact on its cost base and participated in roundtable discussions facilitated by the Australian National Retailers Association (ANRA) to review macro-environmental impacts of the scheme. Macro-environmental impacts ANRA advocated that the government release analysis outlining how households would be affected and compensated by the introduction of a carbon price. Subsequent to these discussions, additional information was released, addressing many of the unknown factors in relation to the scheme and confining any detrimental impact on consumer sentiment, which is a key driver of top-line growth for discretionary retailers. Direct financial impacts David Jones count on the Business Roundtable on Climate Change, established by the Federal government, to represent business interests in the development of the Clean Energy Future legislative package, including the carbon pricing scheme. Trading Hours David Jones follow retail industryââ¬â¢s opening hours Monday:9:30am 7:00pm Tuesday:9:30am 7:00pm Wednesday:9:30am 7:00pm Thursday:9:30am 9:00pm Friday:9:30am 9:00pm Saturday:9:00am 7:00pm Sunday:10:00am 7:00pm 2. Economical Low Inflation rate and high Australian dollar makes foreign imports become cheaper, leads to an increase in profit of David Jones. On the other hand, increase in the value of money also makes customers become interested in shopping online or buy goods overseas, makes customers rate of David Jones fall. Therefore, David Jones should adjust the price of goods for both profitable and consistent with the economic situation and the needs of customers. An increase in the unemployment rate reduces peopleââ¬â¢s income and also their shopping needs. 3. Social Cultural People are trying to keep a balance between their work and social-life. Besides spending a whole day at work, they are willing to spend more time go to department stores on the weekdays. Based on population data from around Australia, Gen Y has appeared as Australias largest demographic with 4. 67 million people. Generation X has also grown to 4. 6 million. And, the Baby Boomer demographic is shrinking; falling by 6,000 to just 4. 11 million people. Generation X and Y are tremendously internet savvy. The internet is the first place that they look when purchasing goods and services. There are more educated people so their knowledge about fashion and fashion demand has increased. They are willing to purchase clothes with good quality from well-known suppliers. 4. Technological New Point of Sale (POS) system: will improve customersââ¬â¢ service experience and reduce transaction times. This system has multi-functionality and will play a pivotal role in David Jonesââ¬â¢ OCR Strategy. David Jones also has new Workforce Management and Traffic Analytics System. 5. Natural David Jones is committed to managing its own operations in an environmentally sustainable manner and will meet this commitment by: Investing in efficiency measures and driving behavioural change to reduce the impact that the business has on the environment; Embedding environmental sustainability into the corporate cultural of the organisation; Developing robustà management systems to ensure transparency and confidence in environmental reporting. David Jonesââ¬â¢ environment strategy comprises four strategic objectives: Improve environmental outcomes, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and conserving natural resources, and optimising water use. Motivate cultural change, by encouraging behavioural change and then by integrating sustainability into decision making at all levels of the organisation. Engage with employees, customers and shareholders, to ensure that interested stakeholders are able to access information about David Jonesââ¬â¢ environmental impacts and initiatives, and ensure that the Companyââ¬â¢s approach to sustainability reflects stakeholder expectations. Meet and, where viable, exceed the Companyââ¬â¢s mandatory and voluntary reporting obligations. II. Specific environment 1. Customers People are willing to dress nicer, fussy and trendy. The way they dress is usually according to the fashion trend. They are influenced from the internet; all the fashion trends are spreading quickly. 2. Competitors : Myer Myer is Australias largest department store group, and a market leader in Australian retailing, operating about 65 stores that offer some of the top style and fashion lines in the country. Merchandise (some 2,400 brands) is sourced from suppliers worldwide and includes accessories; womens, mens, and childrens apparel; beauty and cosmetics; electrical goods; housewares; and toys. Myer runs stores in about 25 of the top 30 largest shopping centres in Australia, with New South Wales as its top market, followed by Victoria and Queensland. Besides Myer, Target, Kmart and other smaller retailers are also David Jonesââ¬â¢ competitors. 3. Suppliers Suppliers are an integral part of David Jonesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Home of Brandsâ⬠strategy, which makes David Jones stand out from its competitors. David Jones is committed to improving and strengthening their relationship with each of their suppliers. David Jones also appreciates suppliers that have understood Australian customers and have adjusted their prices. 4. Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION David Jones takes a responsible approach in relation to the management of environmental matters. David Jonesââ¬â¢ report has followed with the requirements of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) (NGER Act). No environmental breaches have been notified to the Company Entity by any government agency. David Jones is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, visitors and customers. David Jones continues to work towards achieving an incident-free and injury-free workplace. This commitment is supported by the ââ¬Å"[emailprotected]â⬠management system and the Companyââ¬â¢s safety programs ââ¬Å"[emailprotected] davidjonesâ⬠management system imitates efforts of team members to put ââ¬Å"SafetyFirstâ⬠in daily tasks and activities, by identifying and controlling hazards that have the potential to cause incidents and injuries. Safety Information Management system Incident, Hazard and Investigation: provides an on-line system to support the reporting of incidents and the completion of incident investigations, risk assessments and associated corrective actions; Case and Claims Management: focuses on the management of information related to workers compensation claim files, claim transactions and payments as well as Return to Work Plans for work related and non-work related injuries; Risk Management; Audit and Inspections; Training: focuses on core compliance training, safety accountabilities, hazard and risk management and injury management training.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Use Of Symbolism In The Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby Essay
Use Of Symbolism In ââ¬Å"The Catcher In The Ryeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Great Gatsbyâ⬠There are many writers like James Joyce, Patrick Kananach and Thomas Moore who use symbolism to convey and support indirect meaning in their writings. J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald both use symbolism in similar ways. In both ââ¬Å"The Catcher In The Ryeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Great Gatsbyâ⬠, the authors used symbolism to convey emotions and reality. à à à à à In ââ¬Å"The Catcher In The Ryeâ⬠, J.D. Salinger uses Holdenââ¬â¢s red hunting cap, the exhibits at the Museum of Natural History and ââ¬Å"kings in the back rowâ⬠as symbols whose meanings help tell the story. Holdenââ¬â¢s red hunting hat stands for Holdenââ¬â¢s disapproval of adult society and phonies. Although, Holden and his hat are out of place in New York, he loves this hat because it demonstrates his difference and independence from other kids his age. He becomes more and more attached to his hat because he feels like a catcher in the rye when he wears the hat. Holden cannot let go of his hat, like he cannot let go of his childhood. The Museum of Natural History is used to signify Holdenââ¬â¢s fear of change. Holden enjoys looking at the mummies and the exhibits at the museum because they never change and are frozen in time. Holden realizes that he changes every time he goes back and sees the exhibits, but the exhibits do not change. He wishes that his childhood world would last forever like his exhibits. Salinger also uses the setting of New York City as a symbol. Although H...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Importance of Family Essay
THE FAMILY AS THE BASIC UNIT OF SOCIETY The family unit ââ¬â principally a man and a woman living together in harmony and peace ââ¬â is and always will be the basic social organization or unit of any society. This relationship alone provides stability in a sexual, emotional, intellectual and social way as no other can. This statement may seem prejudiced or biased against other forms of social organization, but it has proven true over hundreds and even thousands of years. Other forms of societal organization include most people remaining single or unattached, homosexuality, or various forms of collective living arrangements that are called free love societies, communes, kibbutz living in some cases, and others. To the best of my knowledge, none of these have worked out on a large scale nearly as well as what is called a monogamous man-woman relationship in terms of stability and happiness for the couple, and for the society as a whole. When the families are strong, society is strong, as a rule. When families are weak, societies begin to break down. This is the important concept of this article. EXACTLY WHAT IS MEANT BY A FAMILY? A family is a unit of two dedicated to healing, even if they do not enunciate it or even understand it fully. It means two who are happy to be together, who want to be together, and who deeply love one another, even though it can just be friends, for example, or a parent and a child. This is what is meant by a family in this article. Stated differently, the definition of family is two living in a close personal relationship. Close relationships most often exist between family members, but not always by any means. Couples may live together for years and not be that close, for example. In fact, close relationships often develop among friends of either sex, work colleagues, and perhaps in other situations such as members of a sports team who work and play together constantly, for example. This is important to understand. They donââ¬â¢t even need to live in the same town or know each other personally, as long as they love each other enough. Also, those living under the same roof must be in a close relationship. Just because two are roommates, for example, or even sexual partners living together, married, church-going, or just ââ¬Å"shacking upâ⬠, as they call it, does not mean they are a family because they must be in a close, loving relationship with each other. One in relationship with the other, if it is not returned, is not good enough. They both must feel the same way about each other, and this is the key. The rest of this article deals with various topics related to those living in families, or in close relationships, as explained in the preceding paragraphs. HEALING WITHIN FAMILIES ââ¬â EMPATHIC BLENDING IN FAMILIES An interesting phenomenon that can be used for healing, but which can also have negative effects, is called empathic blending. It occurs in all close relationships, including, of course, within many families. It is a slight blending of the aura or energy fields of individuals who live together or even those who just work together or recreate together. However, it is much stronger in those who are in intimate relationships and having sex together. This interesting phenomenon has been known for thousands of years, but is rarely discussed. It can help bind a family or relationship together and help heal all members of a family. Unfortunately, it sometimes also causes problems in families if the man and woman are not that compatible. Whatà this means is that at times, two in a relationship have issues that do not blend well. Each can bring out the worst aspects of another, for example, instead of the best. For more on this topic, read Empathic Blending on this website. MALE-FEMALE BLENDING IN FAMILIES This is a subset or type of empathic blending that occurs only between members of the opposite sex. It does not occur in homosexual relationships, and it is one reason these relationships are always inferior to a good man-woman relationship. Two of the same sex may blend empathically, and often do. But only a man and a woman can blend in a very special way. For the same reason, it will not occur in members of an all-male or all-female sports team, work team, etc. This type of blending is similar to other empathic blending, but much stronger and much more able to cause healing in both parties. It is a powerful advantage to having friends of the opposite sex, a wife or husband, and even having children, at times. Children and parents. Interestingly, this type of blending can be done between a male parent and a female child, and conversely, between a female parent and a male child. It can even occur between siblings of the opposite sex, too, although this is not nearly as common. To read more about this very exciting method of healing, read Male-Female Blending on this website. OTHER TYPES OF UNUSUAL HEALING IN FAMILIES AND IN OTHER CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS A phenomenon we observe within families, and within all close relationships, is that when one person begins to heal, particularly a parent, often the partner and the children also experience a degree of healing. This occurs even when the others are not following a nutritional balancing program at all. I call it healing by osmosis, because I donââ¬â¢t know what else to name it. This phenomenon may be due to empathic blending, described in a paragraph above. However, it may be also be due to other factors, such as less stress in the home, better food in the home, more of a healing atmosphere in the home, or something else. In addition to these reasons, other reasons help explain unusual healing in those who in close relationships such as in families. For example, as one heals, he or she serves as an example to the other and perhaps as an inspiration to the other. As one heals, the body becomes more capable of love, and this felt by the other As one heals, some nutrients are actually transferred to the other in sexual fluids, for example, or in saliva in kissing. This may sound odd, but these are factors in healing within families or close relationships only. THE TRADITIONAL FAMILY UNDER ATTACK EVERYWHERE For the past 100 years of so, the family unit in America and Europe, in particular, has been under constant attack. The attack has been coming from work outside of the home, two parents having to work, the school system that takes away authority of parents, and a much more intrusive government that also takes away the rights and powers of parents to control their children and even their homes. Unemployment is very hard on families, and there is plenty of that in Europe, particularly. Pressure from Anti-Christian groups such as gay rights advocates and even some womenââ¬â¢s advocate groups has also forced the passage of laws that discourage marriage. The growth of the welfare system is another anti-family factor. These systems often contain incentives to have children out of wedlock, for example, in order to collect more money from the government. Asia has much less of these pressures, but they are growing on a daily basis. Communism, for example, practiced still today in Russia, China, and other large nations, has a devastating effect on the family. Also, Asia has other problems, such as a traditional hierarchical male-dominated culture that mayà seem to support the family, but really is very hard on women, and impedes the development of deep love between men and women among the population. Other nations, such as those in the Middle East, insist on rules and regulations that are so rigid and strict that they may hold society together, but they stop love from developing because the roles of man and wife are too rigidly defined. The Muslim world has some serious family problems. Here the family unit is strong, but in some homes the male dominates and the women are treated so badly that they cannot love their husbands and children correctly. I hope someday soon this will stop. Some of the best family units are found among the Jewish families and some of the Asian cultures, such as the Chinese and Koreans. Even here, however, divorce rates are rising and the traditional family is under attack. THE NEED TO RESTORE THE INTEGRITY OF THE FAMILY The above leads us to the need to clarify, correct and realize the importance of the traditional family unit and restore it legally, culturally, socially, and in every other way as well. This is also a goal of nutritional balancing science. It must begin with each person understanding the need for very high-quality relationships, and then acting at all levels of society to push for a more family-friendly society. The kind of reforms needed in society include: 1. Legislative action and tax reform to encourage marriage. This means that married couples should have tax advantages, which is not true today. Often it is the opposite. Also laws must clearly define marriage as the relationship between one many and one woman. All other arrangements of living and sexuality must not be given equal recognition or equal treatment under the law. This means no gay marriage, no homosexual or gay rights laws, and no gay-friendly legislation at all. This sounds harsh, but gay rights laws are the worst thing for the traditional family today. It also means that polygamy must be banned altogether. It does not matter if all members of a polygamous community like the arrangement. It does not work well and it is usually a cult. For more on this topic, read Cults and Terror Societies on this site. Tax credits should be given for having children, but only if a couple is married and filing jointly. Society should not be giving tax credits to single parent households of the same magnitude, as it encourages promiscuity and single-parent households. I know this is a difficult area, but it is important to strengthen and protect traditional marriage. 2. Legislative action and tax reform to strengthen families. Here are examples of laws and tax arrangements that favor the family unit in society: Smaller government favors families. This is because power in society is always shared between individuals and their families, and the government. The more power and scope of the government, the less power and scope the family will have. Laws that should be abolished to assist the family are all laws that allow schools to give out condoms and birth control pills without parental consent, and all laws that allow minor children to obtain abortions and even driverââ¬â¢s licenses without parental consent. Some states claim they can vaccinate children without parental consent, and some allow medical treatment without parental consent. All these laws destroy the integrity and strength of the family unit and ought to be repealed. I realize that repealing these laws will permit some abuse by uncaring or unthinking parents. However, this is better than an across-the-board rule that damages the family, which is still the best hope for children in the entire world. Government welfare agencies do not do a good job, overall, and I would not expect them to do so. They are too distant and too ââ¬Å"professionalâ⬠to care deeply enough about the children. Similarly, judges and juries should not have the right to remove minor children from the home unless the abuse is obvious and severe. Low taxes strongly favor the family unit and family integrity. Much higher taxes for everyone today is forcing two parents to work outside of the home and to send children to government or private daycare centers and pre-schools. This is horrendous for families. While in some nations, the poor and even middle classes do not pay income taxes, they pay for taxes that are hidden in every product and service that they buy. This is the case especially in America and Europe where corporate taxes are high. These are hidden taxes on all products that can account for up to half the cost of the product such as a car, food, clothing, building materials and other necessities. This is why corporate tax rates should be zero. Tax income, tax consumption, or tax imports and exports, but do not tax in hidden ways such as corporate taxes that no one can see and that are regressive, meaning they harm the poor much more than they harm the wealthy because the poor must spend a lot more of their income on necessities, while the rich can easily afford the taxes on goods and services such as electricity, etc. Laws that permit, encourage and even pay one parent to stay at home with children and teach them favor the family strongly. Parents should be discouraged from both working outside the home, and young children should be at home. If a parent does not want to raise a child at home, he or she should not become a parent. It is that simple. Home schooling favors the family unit. In the same vein, home schooling must be encouraged, not attacked, as it is in many nations, including the United States of America. Home schooling is the ideal, and should not be considered a deviant or religious or unusual concept. It is far better, according to statistics, than any school situation. Home schooling parents should not have to pay school taxes, for example, and perhaps should be compensated so that a parent can stay home and teach rather than have to take a job outside the home and send the child to public or private schools. No death taxes favor the family. Death taxes are also called estate taxes. They do not allow some families to pass on their wealth to their children,à or anyone else. Instead, the government takes a large portion of their money, even though they have already paid taxes on that income. Families should be permitted to pass on their wealth, as it is theirs and they often worked hard for it. The government has no right to it, having already taxed it once or perhaps twice. Tort reform strongly favors families and employment. It is important that if one is truly injured, that one can sue for damages. However, the situation in America, in particular, but also in Europe in which attorneys are able to sue basically innocent people for all sorts of frivolous reasons places great strain and a huge financial burden on everyone. It raises the price of all goods and services, frightens away many businesses and keeps good products off the market. It also supports a class of parasitic attorneys who make good money often by ruining other peopleââ¬â¢s lives. There are simple answers for this problem, but the trial lawyers lobby, and their political allies ââ¬â the Democratic party ââ¬â has so far prevented them from being implemented, especially in the United States. The solutions include: 1. Simplify legal proceedings so that people do not need attorneys to represent them and can handle simple cases themselves. This is certainly possible, but judges and attorneys donââ¬â¢t like the idea. It is similar to learning how to take care of your health, which the doctorââ¬â¢s donââ¬â¢t like. Court proceedings, rules of evidence, rules of discovery, motions, and so on can be made simpler. 2. The loser in a suit should pay all court and attorney fees. This is the system in Great Britain and some other nations. It can stop some frivolous lawsuits, especially in the health care area, but also in product safety. 3. Attorneys must not be allowed to disqualify jurors at their whim. The only reason to disqualify a juror should be a direct conflict of interest, perhaps. The current system today allows sharp attorneys to get rid of potential jurors whom they sense they cannot manipulate or influence. Thisà should not be the way the jury system works and it makes a mockery of the jury system. 4. It may be necessary to place a cap on damages. This is more complex, especially in a class action lawsuit but sometimes juries are talked into awarding far too much money for damages because attorneys take a percentage for themselves. A capitalist economic system, with controls to prevent corporate raiding and cheating, tends to favor families, while socialism is usually even more corrupt and it destroys families. It does this because the government gains so much power that the family becomes secondary to government, which becomes the nanny, the provider, the police force and everything else. This must be taught and the reasons for it thoroughly understood in society. The basic reason is that a large, powerful government always competes for power with the family, so it is inherently inimical to the family. In contrast, a weak government allows the family unit to have more power over itself and over society. It is not an accident that the weakest families occur in communist and socialist nations, while the strongest are found in the capitalist nations. Private and not socialized, nationalized or ââ¬Å"universalâ⬠health care helps the family unit. Caring for oneââ¬â¢s health and that of the children are extremely important issues that are best handled within families. This is because they have to do with diet, lifestyle, thinking patterns and other personal habits that are learned and practiced in families. In general, when people are forced into a governmental system, the family loses a lot of power and control over this important area of life. If the government system were perfect, it would not be so bad. However, all governmental systems are more costly, the dietary recommendations are often poor, bureaucrats are distant and donââ¬â¢t care as much for people as private doctoring arrangements, and waste and corruption are worse. Also, just turning over control of this vital area of life is a bad idea. Even the HMO or PPO system in the USA, which is based on private insurance but herds people into groups with little choice in health care, is not good for family integrity and strength. This is just one reason why Obamacare, for example, in the USA, will not work and must be repealed at once before it further bankrupts the USA, which it is doing and with no good results. It is just socialism, and that is harmful for families, as explained above. Freedom, in general, is wonderful for the family. Repression in society works against families. Freedoms of religion, of speech, of assembly, the right to bear arms and all the freedoms that some nations permit are helpful for the family as they weaken governmental power and encourage responsibility and power to be centered in the family. Denying the people freedom weakens the family in all cases. Traditional religions and, in general, religious freedom tend to favor the family unit. However, too much repression in the religion harms families by several means. Repressing women, for example, leads to anger and hatred of women for men and for the religious leaders. Also, if the family roles are so rigidly defined, some will rebel and avoid families altogether. They also, of course, may just leave the religion, but this is not always possible, as with Islam. As these legal and other changes occur, and only when they occur, we can expect to see great improvements and restoration of our societies. They will be safer, more sane, healthier, with far more emphasis on spiritual values and the dignity of each individual soul. All will be happier and life will be far more worthwhile and enjoyable for women, in particular, for our children, and for everyone. Easy divorce laws have mixed effects upon families. On one hand, they make it easy for a selfish parent to basically abandon their children or ââ¬Å"stealâ⬠them from a partner. They may also leave a former partner stranded without financial support at all, or very little. On the other hand, very strict divorce laws that existed in the past kept families together where there was physical or emotional abuse, or just terrible unhappiness. This is not ideal for families, either. Many people say that the traditional family is dead, as evidenced by the high divorce rates in the Western world, in particular. However, they forget that although the divorce rate is high, the remarriage rate is also very high. In other words, many people do not want to be single. They just want to be with the right type of person. If they are not, then they are more likely today than in the past to split up and move on to what is often, though not always, a better marriage the second time around. When children are involved, the situation is more complex. Children need a stable home and they need love ââ¬â plenty of it. So it is more complicated. Here one must use good judgment and try to avoid selfishness. Selfishness is often the problem and the reason that a couple does not blend and heal one another. Laws favoring easy abortions probably harm families. This is an ongoing debate in the USA, though not much in Europe. ALL abortions terminate a life, and some women suffer psychological damage from abortions, even if they are not fully aware of it. I particularly dislike the Planned Parenthood approach, often, in which young women are just told they can get their abortion right away, no one needs to know about it, and that is all there is to it. However, those who favor abortions rightly point out that women perhaps should have more control over their reproductive abilities, especially in case of rape, incest, and all conditions in which the health and well-being of the mother or even the father is at stake. So I suspect this issue will be debated for many years. I believe anti-abortion laws are there to protect women in many cases, and this is how they should be ââ¬Å"soldâ⬠or promoted. They help women avoid psychological damage that comes with abortions, they help prevent infections and other problems of abortions, and they help the family in many cases, which helps women the most. If the family does not want another child, then put it up for adoption. Encouraging monogamous man-woman relationships is by far best for the family. Sadly, this is not what is taught in schools today. Politically correct teachers often stress that homosexuality, communal living, open marriage and other ââ¬Å"alternativesâ⬠are just as good as the traditional one man-one woman relationship. I believe this is a lie in most cases, due to the nature and construction of human beings. I believe there exist certain differences between men and women that are often subtle, but very real. Living together, they tend to balance one another, help one another, heal one another, and love one another better than any other type of arrangement. This does not mean that in a few cases a different type of relationship is best, but I am speaking in general terms of what seems to work best for the great majority of people in our world. I strongly believe that if this were not so, we would see around the world plenty of societies in which marriage is not supported or practiced much, and instead we would see much more of other living arrangements such as homosexuality or just staying single and living alone or in oneââ¬â¢s family of origin during oneââ¬â¢s entire lifespan. But we do not see this very much among the thousands of human societies of every race and religion. This is not an indictment of other ways to live socially, just an observation. For this reason, I want to suggest that laws should protect, proclaim, educate and demand that the young are taught this truth, and nothing else.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
O Brother, Where Art Thou vs. the Odyssey
Essay Time!! In a 5-paragraph essay, describe the similarities between The Odyssey by Homer and O Brother, Where Art Thou? You will use www. turnitin. com to submit these and to do your peer edits. Your essay should follow the following format: Paragraph 1 ââ¬â Introduction Paragraphs 2 ââ¬â 4 ââ¬â Body Paragraphs Paragraph 5 ââ¬â Conclusion 12 point font Double-spaced It should be at least 500 words. It will be graded using the rubric on the back of this page. You must stick to the following due dates: March 23rd ââ¬â First draft due March 24 ââ¬â Peer editing due March 26th ââ¬â Final draft dueIf you do not have a turnitin account, you need to sign up for one at www. turnitin. com. The registration information you may need is on your Edmodo page. AISE| English Department Writing Rubric| Name: ________________________| Teacher: | | Date Submitted: ____________| Title of Work: ___________________| | | Criteria| Points| | | 0-1| 2-3| 4-5| à | Ideas| The p aper has no clear sense of purpose or central theme. To extract meaning from the text, the reader must make inferences based on sketchy or missing details. | The writer is beginning to define the topic, even though development is still basic or general.Support is attempted but doesnââ¬â¢t go far enough. Ideas may not be detailed or accurate. | This paper is clear and focused. It holds the readerââ¬â¢s attention. Relevant details enrich the central theme. The topic is narrow and manageable. Details support the main ideas. | ______| Organization| The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details, or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; there is no identifiable internal structure. | The organizational structure is strong enough to move the reader through the text without too much confusion. The paper has a recognizable introduction and conclusion.Transitions are used but not effectively. | The organization enhances and showcases the central idea or theme. The order, structure, or presentation of information is compelling and moves the reader through the text. | ______| Voice| The writer seems indifferent to the topic and the content. The writing lacks purpose and audience engagement. | The writer seems sincere but not fully engaged or involved. The result is pleasant or even personable, but not compelling. | The writer connects strongly with the audience in a way that is individual, compelling, and engaging.The writer crafts the writing with an awareness and respect for the audience and the purpose of the writing. | ______| Word Choice| The writer demonstrates a limited vocabulary or has not searched for words to convey specific meaning. | The language is functional, even if it lacks much energy. It is easy to figure out the writerââ¬â¢s meaning on a general level. | Words convey the intended message in a precise, interesting, and natural way. The words are powerful and engaging. | ______| Sentence Fluency| The reader has to practice quite a bit in order to give this paper a fair interpretive reading.Sentences are choppy, incomplete, rambling or awkward. Most sentences follow the same sentence pattern. | Sentences get the job done in a routine fashion but tend to be more mechanical than fluid. Sentences are usually correct. Some sentence pattern variety is attempted. | The writing has an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence. Sentences are well built with strong and varied structure. Creative and appropriate connectives are used between sentences. | ______| à Conventions| à Errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, usage, and grammar and/or paragraphing repeatedly distract the reader and make the text difficult to read. The writer shows reasonable control over a limited range of standard writing conventions. Conventions are sometimes handled well and enhance readability; at other times, errors are distracting and impair readability. | The writer demonstrates a good grasp of standard writing conve ntions (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, usage, paragraphing) and uses conventions effectively to enhance readability. | ______| Presentation(format, spacing, font size or consistency, title, page numbers, bullets, etc. | The reader receives a garbled message due to problems relating to presentation of the text. Visuals do not support or illustrate the ideas in the text. | The writerââ¬â¢s message is understandable because presentation is effective. An attempt is made to integrate visuals and the text although connections may be limited. | The form and presentation of the text enhances the ability for the reader to understand and connect with the message. It is pleasing to the eye. There is effective integration of text and visuals. | _______| | | Teacher Comments|
Friday, November 8, 2019
British Library Project
British Library Project Introduction The British Library project was undertaken by the British Library, which is the biggest and the official national library for the United Kingdom (UK). The library currently holds about 150 million items in form of books, journals, videos and other forms of materials which are sourced globally (Wedgeworth 1993, p. 149).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on British Library Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The library is accredited with holding up to 14 million books from various sources and some of them are historic (meaning that they date from 2000 BC) (Wedgeworth 1993, p. 149). Annually, the library is estimated to add up to 3 million items in various modes and collectively, the distance covered is up to 11 kilometers (Wedgeworth 1993, p. 149). The library is currently a non-departmental public entity and most of the projects undertaken by the institution have been under the department of culture, me dia and sport (in terms of sponsorship and supervision). The Library undertook a failed project that saw it experience delays of up to 5 years and an upsurge of project costs that were in excess of 400 million Euros. There are many reasons advanced for the failure of projects but every project has its own unique characteristics (Walravens 2006, p. 30). This study will focus on the British Library project and account for the delays and shortcomings of the project. Secondly, this study will analyze the role the project managerial team had in causing these delays and the overspill of budgetary cost. Thirdly, this report will evaluate the possible remedies which could have been adopted by the project managers to avert the delays and overspill of project expenditures. Lastly, a conclusion summarizing the above findings will be provided. Delays and Cost Increases Project delays are a common recipe for the failure to meet project deadlines (Sears 2008, p. 1). There are often a number of re asons why various projects fail to meet their deadlines, thereby resulting in delays, but a number of them are unique to the project itself. The British library project resulted in significant delays of up to 5 years. There were a number of reasons voiced by various shareholders but most of them are not unique to the project per se, but projects of similar nature as well.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the reasons attributed to the project delay was the overambitious estimation of the time needed to complete the project (Mincks 2004). There was also an incorrect task assessment of the project. Perhaps, the optimism evidenced in the project came about from the project outcomes expected of the study and previous precedents set by other projects of similar nature and undertaken by other organizations. However, the failure to correctly estimate the factual tim e schedule could be attributed to the failure of the project shareholders to coordinate effectively, thereby leading to overly optimistic time schedules. Also, the theoretical time scheduling failed to factor in the practical challenges of implementing such time schedules, therefore leading to excessive delays. Also, increased pressure from the client (British Library) put a lot of pressure on the project managers to unrealistically squeeze a lot of tasks within a short timeframe (that could potentially lead to an overall compromise of the project quality). Considering the mandate that the British Library has is of a public nature, there was a lot of public scrutiny and media surveillance that also added on to the pressure experienced by the project managers in meeting the project specifications (Wedgeworth 1993). This ultimately resulted in a lot of simultaneous task scheduling that fails to meet the required time schedules. Secondly, there was an unrealistic project scope that evi dently showed an inconsistency in the manner the project was to be undertaken and the time schedule allocated. In other words, the project had a wide scope that could not be accommodated in the set timeframe. The irrationality of the client also contributed to the widening of the project scope because various features were added to the project without carrying out a feasibility study to determine whether such changes could be accommodated. Such types of changes are normally estimated to result in months of project delays (Angel 2009). Thirdly, there was an obvious lack of clarity of project tasks and roles supposed to be undertaken by the project staff (Project Smart 2011). This means that there were instances of certain project staff doing the duties of another, and in the same manner, there were instances of certain project staff failing to do the duties that they were assigned.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on British Library Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This led to instances of overwork and time wastage to both groups of project staff; thereby leading to significant project delays. The lack of a clear breakdown of tasks also significantly affected the work of the project staff, with instances of staff misunderstandings becoming a common feature. Fourthly, there was a clear lack of risk management system where significant problems encountered in the course of undertaking the project were easily assumed to be repairable. In some instances, there was evidence of team members downplaying certain project challenges and assuming that they could be tabled in subsequent meetings. This created a situation where team members acted like they lived in a make-believe world where they believed that they could rescue a project at its last dying minutes without a comprehensive and all-inclusive plan that facilitated the achievement of such goals. This kind of short-term strategies meant to dea l with project challenges are not recommended by most project experts, as is affirmed by Angel (2009) who notes that: ââ¬Å"All projects have problems; any one problem could destroy the plan and throw the project out of whack. If these problems are not identified and proactively resolved on an ongoing basis, things will only get worseâ⬠(p. 78). The lack of resources was a commonly voiced topic of concern among the project managers and which eventually lead to significant project delays. One of the most recognized factors was the delay in project funding by the relevant ministry which set back the completion of the project by a couple of months if not years. This issue can potentially cause a total halt to the project process, or in the same manner, lead to a slowdown of project functions (Angel 2009). In real sense, there is no way a project can be able to be completed in good time if the resources identified to complete the project within a given time schedule are not provid ed. For instance, if a project requires five developers, and only four are present, the likelihood of the project being completed in the given time is very low.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly, there were significant delays evidenced out of experiencing damaged or missing infrastructure where certain tools to be used in the project completion (such as software, hardware, or documents) were either not availed at the project site or failed to work properly (Angel 2009). Significant delays were evidenced and compounded when such infrastructure were needed most; possibly to facilitate the transition of a given project task into another. In terms of costs escalation, the British library Project incurred more than 400 million pounds in excess of the estimated project costs. A number of reasons were attributed to this cost increase. Firstly, technical considerations accounted for the largest increase in project cost. Particularly, the lack of appropriate cost forecasting techniques contributed most to the projectââ¬â¢s cost escalation. Most importantly, there seemed to be a lack of inadequate data that could be relied on by the project experts to correctly estimate the project costs (Project Smart 2011). These two factors consequently contributed to the biggest increase in project costs. Secondly, there was a clear evidence of optimism-bias by the project managers which consequently led to an escalation of project costs (Flyvbjerg 2008, p. 3). In other words, there was evidence of the project managers and other project shareholders to overestimate the likelihood of positive cost expenses and downplaying the likelihood that the costs incurred may spillover the set budget. Finally, there were instances of the sociopolitical environment having an effect of the cost structure of the project, in the sense that, there was a strategic misrepresentation of the scope of the project and the nature of the budget in ensuring the project is completed in an affordable manner. Considering the British Library project was a matter of public interest, such kind of sociopolitical influence was widely expected to affect the project in the long-run. Responsibility of Project Managers Of the above reasons identified for project delays and cost escalation, some of them can be directly attributed to a failure of the project manager to effectively undertake his or her duties, but others are beyond the scope of the project manager. When critically analyzing the escalation of project costs, the technical and psychological causes of project increase can be significantly attributed to the failure of project managers to effectively undertake their duties in the project management process (Project Smart 2011). In detail, the project manager should have adopted good cost forecasting techniques that were beneficial to the specific project. The inclusion of wrong data into the entire process also significantly contributed to the problem because wrong inclusion of data was bound to result in wrong cost forecasting. In terms of the failure of the project to meet its laid down guidelines, a number of factors could be specifically attributed to the project mana ger. For instance, the lack of clarity of project tasks was a function of the project manager because as Project Smart (2011) affirms, the project manager is supposed to ensure that project tasks are correctly executed by the project staff. The incorrect task assessment of the project was also a failure of the project manager because Verzuh (2008, p. 39) notes that project managers are supposed to ensure successful planning of the project is done before the project is underway. Under the same role, the failure to come up with a reasonable project scope was also a failure of the project manager. The same can also be said regarding the evidence of overambitious time estimates by the project manager. The lack of formulation of good risk management systems was also a failure of the project manager because this task falls under the role of monitoring and controlling of project tasks (Verzuh 2008, p. 39). Comprehensively, the above factors sum up the roles supposed to be undertaken by the project manager, but the lack of resources for the undertaking of project tasks, and the failure to provide appropriate and efficient infrastructure for the successful completion of the project, could not be attributed to the project manager. In a similar manner, the sociopolitical factors that led to the cost increase cannot be entirely attributed to the project manager, but rather the department for culture, media and sports and the administrators of the national Library. Alternative Project Management Actions There are a number of strategies which could have been undertaken by the project managers to avert the above mentioned time and cost risks. With regards to the costs risks, the project manager should have had a cost contingency fund to shoulder any risks of cost escalation (Mincks 2004, p. 316). This fund should specifically cover the spillover of costs that were not factored in the initial cost scope of the project. This strategy has been derived from studies done to evalu ate the reasons for the escalation of costs in cost engineering processes (Mincks 2004, p. 316). In ensuring the project meets itââ¬â¢s laid down time schedule, the project manager needed to first critically analyze the details pertaining to the project (Luckey 2006, p. 203). This implies critically analyzing the requirements of the project so that he or she can correctly know what the project entails (right to the slightest of details). In instances where there is evidence of ambiguities, clarification should be sought and finally, professionals should be hired to iron-out the project requirements, functional demands and ultimately, the design requirements for the entire project. Emphasis should however be laid on the scope creep in the overall development of the project plan because it has the potential of killing the purpose of the project (Angel 2009, p. 157). In highly demanding situations, it is advisable for the project manager to aggressively reduce the project scope and to ultimately avoid the inclusion of any new features to the project plan which were otherwise not there in the first place. To avoid any negative resource implications, it is pertinent for the project manager to map out any available resources (Mincks 2004, p. 316). This strategy need to be undertaken with the project requirements in mind so that the required personnel are available on the ground to undertake all the project requirements. Also, the available funding need to be determined to ensure the project will be completed without any financial hiccups. The entire relevant infrastructure needed for the completion of the project also needs to be determined well in advance (before the start of the project). With regards to risk management procedures, the project manager should identify all possible risks in the project execution process and develop a contingency plan that will outline the strategies to be used to remedy such risks incase they occur. A back-up plan would also come in handy, in case any aspects of the project plan (like personnel failures) fail to materialize. This plan will ultimately be the support system for the entire process. To avoid problems brought about by a lack of clarity of project tasks, the project manager should assign roles and responsibilities to team members in a clear and concise manner (Mincks 2004, p. 316). This will ensure every project member knows what he or she is supposed to do, and at what time. In effectively coming up with a good plan to this effect, the project managers should use project management tools, such as Gantt charts to come up with the right time schedules for this purpose. A failure to observe this procedure will ultimately lead to an overlap of responsibilities, time wastage, duplication of employeesââ¬â¢ roles and responsibilities, and poor project quality. In undertaking this management strategy, the project managers also need to break down huge responsibilities into small and manageable roles. This implies the creation of sub-activities that are totally independent of each other, but which can be completed independently as well. After this breakdown is implemented, the smallest activities should be completed first; then the major activities follow. On a more general platform, the project manager should discourage the scheduling of many meetings meant to change the course of the project (Mincks 2004, p. 316). On the contrary, the project manager should only support meetings which are meant to solve pertinent problems only (on a need-by-need basis). Long and tedious meetings which have no clear-cut agenda are synonymous to a lot of time wastage and inefficiencies that are ultimately going to set back the completion of the project. Also, on a general basis, it is important for the project manager to document the critical underpinning of the project (Kohli 2006, p. 401). This means writing down the successes and failures of the projects on a sheet of paper so that future refe rencing can be done (with regards to the same project or subsequent projects). The project dashboard can come in handy when undertaking this task because it gives the project manager an overview of the project and enables him or her to quantify the progress made by the project team (in comparison to the laid down guidelines of the project plan). Conclusion This project assessment task exposes a number of lessons to be learnt in project management. Firstly, it exposes the fact that delays and cost implications are the most common types of risk in project management. In fact, these are the two factors identified as the sources of failure of the British library project. Secondly, we are able to learn that a single element of the project management process can be potentially fatal to the entire process. This implies that all areas of the project execution process need to be considered with equal seriousness. Thirdly, we can see that a majority of the problems assumed to be project risks fall within the mandate of the project manager. This means that the roles of the project manager need to be carefully checked in the execution of project plans. However, we can be able to see that there is a strong need for the coordination of project tasks and the roles of other project stakeholders (like sponsors); because not all project risks can be contained by the project manager. Comprehensively, these factors encompass the lessons to be learnt from the British library project. References Angel, P. (2009) PMP Certification, a Beginners Guide. London, McGraw Hill Professional. Flyvbjerg, B. (2008) Curbing Optimism Bias and Strategic Misrepresentation in Planning: Reference class forecasting in practice. European Planning Studies, 16(1), 3ââ¬â21. Kohli. (2006) Project Management Handbook. London, McGraw-Hill. Luckey, T. (2006) Software Project Management for Dummies. London, For Dummies. Mincks, W. (2004) Construction Jobsite Management. London, Cengage Learning. Project S mart. (2011) Role of the Project Manager. (Online) Available at: . Sears, K. (2008) Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Fieldà Construction Management. London, John Wiley and Sons. Verzuh, E. (2008) The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management. London, John Wiley and Sons. Walravens, H. (2006) Newspapers of the World Online. London, Walter de Gruyter. Wedgeworth, R. (1993) World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services (3 ed). London, ALA Editions.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Pronouncing the Decimal Comma in Spanish
Pronouncing the Decimal Comma in Spanish Its pretty much as you might have guessed: In casual usage, you can pretty much follow the convention of English, except that instead of saying something like three point two five, you can use the Spanish word for comma, which is coma: tres coma dos cinco. International Standard of Using Decimal Commas The international standard is to use a comma in numerals where English would use a decimal point. But the Royal Spanish Academy does recognize use of the decimal point (or period) when used by Spanish-speaking people in English-language countries, and in those parts of Latin America (such as Mexico) where English-language influence has led to use of the decimal point. In those areas, 3.25 can be pronounced as tres punto dos cinco. A more formal way of pronouncing the same number, and one that doesnt depend on how it is written, is tres enteros y veinticinco centà ©simos (the y is often omitted), the equivalent of three and twenty-five hundredths. (Entero is used to refer to whole numbers.) Youll hear some speakers use cà ©ntimos instead of centà ©simos to refer to hundredths in this context. The number could be rounded down to 3,2 (or 3.2 in parts of Latin America), which would be tres coma dos or tres enteros y dos dà ©cimos (three and two-tenths).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Fixing Responsibility for Economic Blunders Essay - 1
Fixing Responsibility for Economic Blunders - Essay Example Economics was defined as ââ¬Å"Science of Wealth Creationâ⬠by Adam Smith, the father of economics as well as the economics of early days like J.E. Cairnes, J. B. Say, and F. A. Walker ( According to these economists, economics was science that dealt with the ways in which a nation acquires wealth. This definition placed economics as a stream of knowledge devoid of any human face. To provide a social and moral face to this stream of knowledge the next generation of economists like Marshall, Robbins, and Samuelson gave a more comprehensive and humane definition of economics. They defined economics as a branch of knowledge which is ââ¬Å"on the one side a study of wealth; and on the other, and more important side, a part of the study of man.â⬠( Another very famous definition of economics comes from a very popular economist of the modern age ââ¬â Robbins. He defined economics as the science of optimum allocation of scarce resources to satisfy infinite needs. His definition of economics tried to distance it from the moral or ethical issues to make it a scientific discipline. Today, his definition is the most acceptable definition of economics and modern-day economists do not consider it anything but a scientific subject. They have learned and applied much exotic mathematics, be it differential equations in many variables or abstract concepts of set theory and linear algebra into different problems and situations of economic sense.Ã
Friday, November 1, 2019
GLL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
GLL - Essay Example The fund can be utilised in the following sectors for building the swim centre: Hiring of Pool Contractor The foremost task is to hire a pool contractor to get the best economical value for the pool design. 1% of the total funding will be spend to appoint an appropriate contractor for the project, who will help in choosing the most economical pool structure for the ladies in Tower Hamlets. Cost to the Contractor The contractor takes the entire responsibility of constructing the swimming pool and charges a specific amount for that. 50% of the total funding can be kept aside for allocating the job to a contractor. The objective is to get the best value for investment and thus 2% has been allocated for contractor selection. Allocation of job to contractor lifts the hazards of the complex task and can provide adequate time for utilisation in other activities. Extra Features Certain amount of funding should be allocated for creating an ââ¬Å"X factorâ⬠in the swim centre. ... Equipments such as swimming pool furniture, pool thermometers, centrifugal motor pump and hose pipe are the most basic ones. An allocation of 19% of the total funding has to be made for purchasing these equipments in the initial stage. Lighting and Heating The lighting and heating amenities need to be designed in a well structured manner in order to avoid any disaster in the future. Women prioritise safety and security the most. Thus, maintenance of highest quality lighting and heating facilities will attract and encourage women to join the centre. 5% of the fund needs to be allocated for this purpose. Promoting The centre will remain a gravestone as long as it is not being promoted. Thus, a lot of emphasis needs to be provided to the marketing aspect of the project. The remaining 15% of the fund should be utilised in promoting the swim centre within the locality of Tower Hamlets. All the facilities that will be specially designed for a ladies swim centre should be promoted. Operatin g Costs The amount of funding in maintaining the operating expenses would be derived from the operating incomes after the project gets started. However, it is essential to keep in mind that sufficient amount of fund should be utilised in maintenance and cleanliness of the swim centre. Adequate and appropriate chemicals should be used for keeping the swimming pool clean and unsullied everyday. Maintenance is extremely important for providing the best look to the swim centre around the locality. For example, vinyl and concrete linings should be refreshed once in every 5 years. A continuous checking and verifying are necessary for a swim centre to be successful in encouraging people to join (HomeHelp4U, 2011). Summary of the Above
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